29 September 2021
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ugNOG Intro

29 Sep 2021, 11:10


Mr Toni Yannick Kalombo (CEO, DevBoks)


Toni Kalombo is an open technology advocate and over the period of almost 20 years, Toni has innovated across telecommunications, mining, defence, automotive and financial sectors. In 2019, Toni founded DevBoks, a software and network automation company.

DevBoks is an Afrinic member and LIR (AS328910).

Toni currently serves as CEO and Managing Director of DevBoks. Toni’s day to day activities are focused on developing digital transformation strategies and software defined networking platforms.

Before DevBoks, Toni worked as a Software Engineering manager at SEACOM.
His past employment experience includes MTN, Denel, Blhum Burton Engineering and BMW.

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